• The Final Frontier – Loss Of Tone

    Loss of Tone / Sagging Skin

    Keeping skin moist goes a long way in maintaining a dewy and youthful appearance. But if you’re eating well and taking care of your skin, you can still feel unhappy about its tone. That’s when you have what is known as “Redundant Skin” and unfortunately, this sagging of the skin becomes more visible anytime after our fortieth birthday. If you’ve already passed the fortieth anniversary of life, you may have started to notice a thinning of your skin. *EEP!* Okay, come out from under those covers…we can help.

    First, we need to find the cause. And for this we need to go deeper than the epidermis and the dermis. This particular form of aging is a combination of the thinning of the subcutaneous skin layer and of bone loss. Yup, bone loss…even in the face. The deterioration occurs as our skin becomes less resilient to our bad habits and other environmental factors and is, unfortunately, a part of the aging process.

    The Subcutaneous Layer is maintained by the Human Growth Hormone (HGH) and, believe it or not, the best way to keep or increase HGH levels at an optimum level is to sleep. Hooray for sleep! There are External HGH supplementations but these are not recommended due to a multitude of side effects.

    If bone loss is something you’re concerned about, there is an easy way to spot it – the shrinking of your wrist bones. Most of us don’t take much notice – especially after we’ve bought into the belief that “thinner is better” – but we do take notice when we see the “Redundant skin” on our faces, which is in actuality caused by the same bone loss. We all know that we should take calcium to prevent osteoporosis, but did you know that we also need liquid Vitamin D supplementation to ensure the conversion of Calcium to bone and healthy skin?!

    To remedy skin aging:

    Use a natural serum to plump up skin cells – the Minimalist Face Lift Serum is perfect!
    Use a good natural moisturizer to slow down moisture loss – the richer, the better.
    Take a maximum dose of liquid Vitamin D
    If your sleep habit is short or broken, incorporate suitable remedies such as napping or sleeping in.
    Stop believing “thin is better” and eat in order to balance your Ayurvedic type, your lifestyle, and the weather
    IPL and Microdermabrasion treatments are excellent to smooth and tighten skin.

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